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The organizational challenge in 21st Century

TALENT BASED STRATEGY Susana Fernández Casla

All organizations and professionals who work on issues related to Human Resources and People Management are witnessing a turning point.


Profiles are continuously changing: the market demands highly qualified and motivated professionals and, at the same time, the economic situation requires finding new effective, profitable and sustainable solutions.

When we do not get answers, when a real innovation mindset is needed to address this new scenario, we feel that we are facing more than a challenge: a really complex challenge.

And it is then that we realize what we need to start using different resources in order to find new pathways. We start by using the skills we already have. We share knowledge and develop the ability to innovate and generate new points of view and solutions as never seen before. It is the feeling of escaping from our “comfort zone” in order to look for something completely new. Like “explorers” with a backpack full of curiosity, some fears, with enough self-confidence but also with some doubts, motivated and with expectations of success… In one sentence: like a backpacker ready to discover.

This is exactly what happens when organizations start to implement their annual strategy. It usually requires the need to drive some changes, to lead towards new horizons never walked before. The market changes, customers’ needs and demands are different, new technology apps come out… and as a consequence, job requirements change, gaps begin to move, the training unit has to react and employees have to adapt their performance and tasks to respond to these new demands.

It is in this moment, when a talent-based strategy allows the spark of change to embrace new ways of working.

In this paper, Susana F. Casla, Psychologist, Researcher, Founder and Managing Director at ESCOACHING, presents the talent-based strategy approach with her always rigorous, friendly and pedagogic voice!

Image by William Daigneault

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